Darbas anglų kalba. Didaktikos egzamino klausimai su atsakymais. Definition of MFL teaching methodology. A brief survey of the features of grammar-translation, audio-lingual, and communicative language teaching. The communicative language teaching; its key features and development. The notion of communicative competence. General didactic and subject-specific principles of MFL teaching at secondary level. General areas of teacher concern at the lesson. The importance of lesson planning and classroom management skills. Stages in the MFL lesson design. The aims of the MFL teaching at secondary level (the "why" of teaching). The role of specific objectives in MFL teaching as related to learner needs. The content of MFL teaching in secondary school (the "what" of teaching). Teaching how to learn in terms of strategy training, self-evaluation and study skills acquisition. Individual learning styles, learner types and differences. Language teaching vs language testing. General characteristics of the key processes involved. Kinds of test. Norm-referencing and criterion – referencing in assessment. Kinds of tests. The main principles of testing. The problem of communicative testing. The process of progress test development. Criteria for teaching materials evaluation and factors of textbook selection. FL teacher roles in relation to learner differences. External context of language use (the 4 domains). The approach adopted in the CEF.