Anglų kalbos darbas. Kultūros įstaigos ir įvykiai Lietuvoje. Introduction. Art Galleries. Contemporary Art Centre. Arka Gallery. Amber Gallery – Museum. Mažoji Gallery. Gallery Of Medals. Užupis Gallery. Vilnius Photography Gallery. Gallery XX. Panevėžys Art Gallery. Panevėžys Photography Gallery. Places of interest. The Botanical Gardens of Verkiai Park. Vilnius University Botanical Gardens. Hill of Three Crosses. Presidential Palace. The Centre Of Europe. Town Hall (Rotušė). Vilnius University. Cathedral (Arkikatedra Bazilika). Gates of Dawn. Higher Castle Museum. Clubs. Connect. Fashionclub. Gravity. Helios. Intro. Metro. Tamsta. Ex-it. Los Patrankos. Siena. Theatres. Anželika Cholina Dance Theatre. Kaunas Puppet Theatre. Keistuoliai Theatre. Klaipėda State Drama Theatre. Lithuanian National Drama Theatre. The Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre. Oskaras Koršunovas Theatre. Teatriukas. The State Small Theatre Of Vilnius. Museums. Europos Parkas. Lithuanian Museum of Ethnocosmology. The Museum of the Bank of Lithuania. Ethnographical museum of Panevėžys. The Oldest Building In Panevėžys. The memorial museum of Juozas Zikaras. The memorial exposition of Gabrielė Petkevičaitė – Bitė. The ethnographical farmstead in Smilgiai. Festivals, public events. Christopher Summer Festival. Darom ! Banchetto Musicale. Baltic Sound. Orchestras, choirs. Lithuanian State Simphony Orchestra. Kaunas Music Ensemble "Ainiai". Vilnius Municipal Choir "Jauna Muzika". Palanga Orchestra. Conclusion.