Algoritmų teorija. Informacija. Entropija. Algoritmai. Ar algoritmas yra įrenginys (hardware), ar programa (software)? Algoritmų (programų ir jų sistemų) projektavimas. Algoritmų sudėtingumas. Kelių funkcijų augimo tempai. Vienetukų uždavinys. Rūšiavimo algoritmai. Algoritmų sudarymas. Vidinis rūšiavimas naudojant palyginimus. Išrinkimo algoritmas. Išorinis rūšiavimas. Priklausomybė nuo duomenų. Grafai ir medžiai. Grafų algoritmai. Trumpiausio kelio algoritmai. Šaltinio problema: Deikstros algoritmas. Stabilumas duomenų perdavimo tinkluose. Keliaujančio pardavėjo problema. Senoji rusiška daugyba. Stabilių vedybų algoritmas. Skaityti daugiau
Anglijos istorijaAnglų kalba, konspektas
(6 puslapiai)
Prehistory. Celts. Romans. A-S. The first northern tribes. Early Christianity. The Vikings. The Normans. The Domesday Survey. Henry II the first of the plantagenets. Early courts. Richard I and the first Crusade. King John and Magna Carta. The beginnings of Parlament. History of the English language. London. Ireland. USA. Wales. Scotland. UK. Music. Education system. Food. Traditions. Skaityti daugiau
CaliforniaAnglų kalba, konspektas
(2 puslapiai)
Darbas anglų kalba. The story of Yosemite Park. Preserving the beauties of nature. Skaityti daugiau
Criminal law (3)Anglų kalba, konspektas
(5 puslapiai)
Darbas anglų kalba. Kriminalinė teisė. Definition of a crime. Classification of offences according to the degree of their seriousness. Criminal liability. Criminal penalties. Skaityti daugiau
Didactic (2)Anglų kalba, konspektas
(10 puslapių)
Darbas anglų kalba. Didaktikos egzamino klausimai su atsakymais. Definition of MFL teaching methodology. A brief survey of the features of grammar-translation, audio-lingual, and communicative language teaching. The communicative language teaching; its key features and development. The notion of communicative competence. General didactic and subject-specific principles of MFL teaching at secondary level. General areas of teacher concern at the lesson. The importance of lesson planning and classroom management skills. Stages in the MFL lesson design. The aims of the MFL teaching at secondary level (the "why" of teaching). The role of specific objectives in MFL teaching as related to learner needs. The content of MFL teaching in secondary school (the "what" of teaching). Teaching how to learn in terms of strategy training, self-evaluation and study skills acquisition. Individual learning styles, learner types and differences. Language teaching vs language testing. General characteristics of the key processes involved. Kinds of test. Norm-referencing and criterion – referencing in assessment. Kinds of tests. The main principles of testing. The problem of communicative testing. The process of progress test development. Criteria for teaching materials evaluation and factors of textbook selection. FL teacher roles in relation to learner differences. External context of language use (the 4 domains). The approach adopted in the CEF. Skaityti daugiau
English language and its varietiesAnglų kalba, konspektas
(8 puslapiai)
Darbas anglų kalba. Anglų kalba ir anglų kalbos įvairovė. Classification of languages. The English language and it's varieties? The old English language and its literature. Modern English language and its literature. The middle English language and its literature. What is language? Skaityti daugiau
Language barrierAnglų kalba, konspektas
(4 puslapiai)
Darbas anglų kalba. Kalbos barjerai. Language is not only a means of communication, it is also a barrier. Language differences. Translation. Humorous mistranslation. Is a Universal Language possible? Non–verbal language. Language and the limits of thought. Linguistic relativism. Those who cannot use language can nevertheless think. Skaityti daugiau
Making efective presentationAnglų kalba, konspektas
(9 puslapiai)
Introduction: Podium Panic. Four Basic Steps: strategy, structure, style. Supplement: questions and challenges. Conclusion: A Checklist for your Presentation. An Outline for Your Presentation. An evaluation form that will be used for your presentation. Using Visual Aids Effectively. Skaityti daugiau
New Zealand (2)Anglų kalba, konspektas
(4 puslapiai)
Darbas anglų kalba. Naujoji Zelandija. Climate — land of the long white cloud. Temperature. Rainfall. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Spring. Natural Environment. Flora. Fauna. Culture. The people. Skaityti daugiau
Square. Game rulesAnglų kalba, konspektas
(3 puslapiai)
Žaidimo "Kvadratas" taisyklės anglų kalba. Square - game. Playground. Ball. Match time. Holding and passing the ball. Players. Course of game. Lead of the team. Judging. Skaityti daugiau
StylisticsAnglų kalba, konspektas
(13 puslapių)
Anglų kalbos stilistikos konspektas. Aspects of stylistics. Artistic message. Practical scheme of stylistic analysis. Phonemic level of foregrounding. Graphemic level of foregrounding. Graphon as means of personage characterization. Morphemic level. Morpheme. Types of morphemes. Foregrounding on morphemic level. Lexical level of analysis. The context of style. Stylistically unmarked stratum of words. Stylistically marked layer of words. Literary words. Special literary vocabulary. Terms. Barbarisms Literary coinages. Stylistically marked layer. Special colloquial vocabulary. Slang characteristics. Special colloquial vocabulary. Dialectal words. Special colloquial vocabulary. Vulgar words. Language expressive. In lexical stylistic devices. Aristotle. Beardsley’s four approaches to metaphor. Black’s Substitution View concerning metaphor. Principles of metaphor classification. Lakoff’s classification of metaphors. Original metaphors. Inappropriate metaphors by Fowler. Conceptual metaphors. Metonymy. Irony. Functions of irony. Reconstruction of ironic meaning. Agents in the process of ironic speech. Types of irony victims. Components of ironic happening. Debatable points concerning the processing of literal meaning. Syllepsis. Paronomasia. The epithet. Oxymoron. Antonomasia. Hyperbole. Syntactical Stylistic devices. Parallel constructions. Inversion. Suspense. Detachment. One member sentences. The arrangement of the sentence members and the completeness of sentence structure. Climax (gradation). Simile. Litotes. Periphrasis. Newspaper. The headline. Skaityti daugiau
The grand paradigmsAnglų kalba, konspektas
(4 puslapiai)
Darbas anglų kalba. Didžiosios paradigmos. Paradigms affect the ways we filter and interpret evidence. Different models and different beliefs. Classical paradigm. Celestial pyramid. Paradigm shit. Enlightenment paradigm. Postmodern paradigm. Skaityti daugiau